Lousy Lynx

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Sun Sep 19 18:45:51 UTC 2010

On 09/20/2010 01:40 AM, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> It seems so completely unlikely that you don't know how to restore a
> Microsoft Master Boot Record/and/  aren't able to lay your hands on the
> info in seconds that I have trouble believing your first statement.
Cybe, relational databases, not operating systems. My doctor don't know 
a thing about fuel pumps and my mechanic don't know a thing about 
incisors. But doctors, mechanics and dentists make more money than you 
or I (okay, me) because we are generalists and they specialize.

I used to be a specialist in the metabolic crystalline combinatorics of 
the endocrine secretions of salivary glands of the mongolian tsetze fly 
but there was no market for my expertise.  ;)  And I don't know a thing 
about locusts.

So be nice to specialists. They may be unemployed one day. Like when 
databases use discrete hexadecamicals instead.

Take care, and without malice - Goh Lip   :)

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