Add hard disk, swap, formatting & configurations tools, 10.04; jor Ubuntu
dmcgarrett at
Sat Sep 18 05:41:18 UTC 2010
On 09/17/2010 11:10 PM, giovanni_re wrote:
> What's the best software tools,& configuration method, to add new disk
> drives on 10.04?
> 0) Additional 2TB hard disk drive(s), on a system with a original drive
> of size 2TB& 1.5TB. Single user desktop system.
> 0a) Spreading swap space over multiple drives to speed up
> swapping/virtualMemory is one important goal.
> 0b) Increasing user space for files is important
> - Currently have a /home partition in an extended partition (4th
> partition on drive).
> 0c) Creating some space for backup of user data from /home onto a
> different hard disk is important.
> 0.1a) Hardware:
> - AMD quad core running 64bit KUbuntu 10.04
> - ASUS mobo M3A78-T,
> - 5 xSATA 3 Gb/s ports 1 x eSATA 3Gb/s ports
> with RAID 0, 1, 5 and 10 support
> - SDA = 2TB, SDB = 1.5TB
> 1) With an existing (ubuntu) system installed on SDA, what sw tools for
> disk format, partitioning& configuratio are best?
> 2) What formatting should be used? udev?
GParted will do a nice job of making partitions and formatting
them and will allow you to set one bootable, if you need that.
Downloadable as an .iso.
Blessed are the peacemakers...for they shall be shot at from both sides. --A. M. Greeley
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