how to (manually) add a stanza to /boot/grub/grub.cfg?

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at
Fri Sep 17 07:48:42 UTC 2010

On Fri, 17 Sep 2010, Nils Kassube wrote:

> Robert P. J. Day wrote:
> >   in various RH-based distros, i used to manually add a couple extra
> > stanzas to my grob config file to represent slightly different boot
> > options.  that is, i'd add another stanza called, say, "noisy", that
> > would represent a standard boot except with more debugging info
> > turned on.  so it would be the same kernel, just with slightly
> > different command-line options.
> >
> >   on RH-type systems, that was fine since one was free to hack the
> > grub config file.  but what does one do in ubuntu, when the config
> > file clearly screams, "DON'T EDIT ME!".  how does one get the same
> > effect via update-grub?  thanks.
> Have a look at [1], specifically in section "/etc/grub.d/ (directory)"
> the part about "40_custom".
> Nils
> [1] <>

  yes, that's what i was after, thanks.  still getting used to grub 2



Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

        Top-notch, inexpensive online Linux/OSS/kernel courses


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