typing pie from keyboard in vi

Patton Echols p.echols at comcast.net
Thu Sep 16 23:00:04 UTC 2010

On 09/16/2010 04:12 AM, M.R. wrote:
> On 16/09/10 07:28, Tapas Mishra wrote:
> ...
>> Recently one of the professional  networking website where I was logging in
>> asked me to enter CAPTCHA and in their security verification  image
>> they had given pie to be entered.
> ...
> It would be extremely unusual for any web-site operator
> to use a captcha with non-ascii letters. 

Unusual yes, but logical in a way.  A 'bot that attempted to OCR the 
CAPTCHA would probably read the Pi symbol as "tt".  So it is much more 
difficult for a non human to read it.  The obvious problem is that while 
the average human can read the symbol, they can't type the darn thing. 

I proclaim using non-ascii characters to be very smart, in a totally 
clueless way!

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