Lost data

Erlend Clouston erlendc at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Sep 16 06:42:08 UTC 2010

Thanks for your interest. It was an Open Office file  produced on my 
Ubuntu 10.04 system - if that helps. I lost about 1,200 words.
Best wishes - Erlend

On 16/09/10 00:14, Christopher Chan wrote:
> On Thursday, September 16, 2010 06:07 AM, Erlend Clouston wrote:
>> Greetings! Part of a very important file I was working on this evening
>> has vanished. (The other part remains visible.) A techie friend
>> speculates that I may have accidentally highlighted and then deleted the
>> vanished section. He says not to worry, as "it will be somewhere on your
>> hard disc." Hmm. Is there any simple way for a non-techie to test his
>> thesis?
>> Thanks for any simple advice.
> What kind of file is it and what were you using to work on it?

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