Ubuntu hardware certification?

John Conover conover at rahul.net
Wed Sep 15 19:26:34 UTC 2010

David C. Curtis writes:
> On Wed, 2010-09-15 at 09:41 -0700, John Conover wrote:
> > Why are the Lenovo S10-X netbook(s) not listed in the Ubuntu hardware
> > certification, (http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification/) for 9.1
> > Remix and 10.04 Netbook?
> This list is not associated with Canonical, the company that offers
> those certifications, it would be best to contact them and/or Lenovo.
> While Ubuntu is sponsored by Canonical it is non-commercial in nature
> and it's community (us) cannot answer questions about their commercial
> activities with any veracity, unless there are Canonical folks on the
> list, but I doubt they would want to conduct customer relations here.

Thanks, Dave.



John Conover, conover at rahul.net, http://www.johncon.com/

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