Problem defining the Samba workgroup

Tom H tomh0665 at
Wed Sep 15 15:53:18 UTC 2010

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 5:47 AM,  <pkaplan1 at> wrote:
> I'm running a Samba server on lucid.  I am attempting to define the
> workgroup as KAPPA_NET, but the server insists on using WORKGROUP.
> /etc/samba/smb.conf shows that
> workgroup=KAPPA_NET
> I've tried restarting both smbd and nmdb with
> sudo service smbd restart
> sudo service nmdb restart
> ...and verified that both services stopped and restarted
> Yet probing the LAN from either windows or lucid show that the server is on

I've used your smb.conf in a vbox install and there was no sign of the
"workgroup" workgroup.

Do you have "workgroup" in a dns or dhcp setting that is somehow being
picked up as an smb workgroup?!

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