umask, ACL inheritance and setgid +s not working with copy from flash drive in nautilus
Tony Arnold
tony.arnold at
Wed Sep 15 11:00:57 UTC 2010
On Tue, 2010-09-14 at 22:05 -0400, Rashkae wrote:
> Tony Arnold wrote:
> > Everyone seems to have ignored my contribution to this thread. If I'm
> > wrong just tell me, but please do not just ignore me.
> >
> > Andy, you might let us know what permissions you were expecting given
> > the ACL you had set up on the directory.
> >>
> >> I think the permissions are correct. The defaults in the ACL say a file
> >> should get rwxrwxr-x but this is then AND'd with the default mask of rwx
> >> giving rwx------
> >>
> >> Or am I missing something?
> >>
> You're missing that the files he's copying have a permission of 600,
> which is preserved when they are copied to the new folder. The ACL
> therefore does not get AND'd with rwxrwxr-x as it would with default
> mask, but rw--------, and therefore, doesn't work as wanted.
No, the post I was responding to showed the resulting permissions on the
file as -rwx------, which is 700 and ties in with my logic above.
> > andy.graybeal at buddleia:/srv/Desktop/Tech$ ls -lah cabling.txt
> > -rwx------+ 1 andy.graybeal tech 2.8K 2010-07-28 20:40 cabling.txt
Have I missed an earlier post with more information?
Tony Arnold, Tel: +44 (0) 161 275 6093
Head of IT Security, Fax: +44 (0) 705 344 3082
University of Manchester, Mob: +44 (0) 773 330 0039
Manchester M13 9PL. Email: tony.arnold at
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