Christopher Chan christopher.chan at
Wed Sep 15 05:41:17 UTC 2010

On Wednesday, September 15, 2010 12:36 PM, Tom H wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 12:23 AM, Christopher Chan
> <christopher.chan at>  wrote:
>> Oh, btw, he was criticized for giving INACCURATE and even WRONG Ubuntu
>> technical help.
> True  but he was criticized for blogging too, which is less off-topic
> than "irregardless." His useless technical "help" is a different topic
> altogether.

I was almost half tempted to search for "irregardless" in the archive 
for September to see what struck the OP's chord so hard that the OP had 
to post.

But shucks, I have 50K unread posts anyway so I did not bother. Anyway:

"Why would you watch the comedy channel when you have the ubuntu users
mailing list"

Search engines most probably don't serve up blogging and off-topic posts 
very often but on-topic posts with useless even harmful replies are 
another story.

What are the chances of you or anybody else searching the Ubuntu 
archives for "irregardless" or "comedy"?

I, therefore, would rather tolerate off-topic posts that are not in bad 
taste but not drivel from self-assumed experts in on-topic threads. The 
list rule "technical support for ubuntu only" can be buried for all I 
care because that rule would have prevented, for example, Rashkae from 
provided one gem of information regarding ON-LINE UPS systems had he 
stuck to that rule besides not being very conducive to building the 

But yes, irregardless does not have anything to do with Ubuntu. I hope K 
L was knocked off for his technical drivel and not his blogging habits.

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