wireless connectivity

Patton Echols p.echols at comcast.net
Tue Sep 14 21:42:11 UTC 2010

On 09/14/2010 06:23 AM, Avraham Hanadari wrote:
> I connected the system by cable to the the router and Internet was 
> immediately available. I just now disconnected the cable and plugged in 
> the USB dongle antenna DRUC-U2, 802-11g USB 2.0 adapter and I'm back 
> with the "no internet connection" announcement. Evidently this dongle is 
> not recognized by the system. Anyone know where I can find software to 
> run it?
> Avraham

Try this:  With the dongle unplugged, run
$ dmesg

Make a note of the last line.  Then plug in the dongle and give it a 
moment to settle.  Then run dmesg again.  This will tell you what the 
system thinks it is seeing.  You may also get error messages, chipset 
info, or other things that you can plug into your favorite search engine. 

If you can't find anything useful (or that makes sense to you) post the 
output here and maybe someone will have better ideas for you..

Good luck

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