umask, ACL inheritance and setgid +s not working with copy from flash drive in nautilus

Andy Graybeal andy.graybeal at
Tue Sep 14 20:35:30 UTC 2010

On 09/14/2010 04:13 PM, Andy Graybeal wrote:
>> Depends how you copy the file... in this case, it looks as though the
>> copy tried to preserve the traditional Posix permissions and therefore
>> ruined your mask.  Was this copy done by nautilus?  You need to copy
>> files wihout preserving their original attributes (at least,
>> permissions) if you want inheritance to work correctly.
> I'm still processing what you said.  The copy was done by nautilus.  How
> do I copy files without preserving their original attributes?   I'm
> sorry if this sounds like a lame question.
> -Andy
To follow up.. I just copied a file from my home folder (which doesn't 
have ACL's on it or anything) the file was set  to a folder that does. 
It kept the original attributes of the file.

The files original permissions were -rw-r-----, when i copied it, it 
kept those permissions.

It does inherit the proper group though!  yay for that.

Is there a way to do what I'm asking? .. or am I headed down a bad 


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