Upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04 LTS (BORKED)

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at bradbury.edu.hk
Mon Sep 13 14:44:20 UTC 2010

Liam Proven wrote:
> I just have a big FAT32 volume for sharing stuff between Windows &
> Linux. It is quite hard to move XP's "\Documents and Settings" tree to
> another drive - it can be done but AFAIK only by serious hacking of
> the install CD, in a very unsupported way - but it's trivially easy to
> move the location of "My Documents" and I just do that. If you have a
> single user, this is simple & fairly effective.

Easy. Just edit a few entries in the registry related to profiles and 
voila! "\Documents and Settings" is on something else other than C: and 
won't take out the box when the profiles chew up all disk space.

Oh no, did I just say that? Now everybody knows just how badly tainted 
I've become.

/me goes for a zfs scrub.

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