The great features of Linux - an alternative view

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at
Sun Sep 12 23:03:42 UTC 2010

On Monday, September 13, 2010 06:47 AM, Amedee Van Gasse (ub) wrote:
> On Sat, September 11, 2010 18:11, Christopher Chan wrote:
>> Frank wrote:
>>> On Sat, 2010-09-11 at 13:43 +0100, Luis Paulo wrote:
>>>> Linux users form a tight community. There are numerous chat rooms,
>>>> mailing lists and discussion forums with many knowledgeable people who
>>>> can help you with your problems. What's best, these people are
>>>> volunteers and don't charge anything for helping you!
>>> Well.. there are numerous chat rooms, mailing lists and discussion
>>> forums for other operating systems too.
>>>> There is no official, commercial support for Linux
>>> What is an "official" support?
>> The type that Microsoft offers. :-D
> What, the type that Canonical offers? How about Red Hat? Or Novell?

Ahem, have you tried them out yet and compared? Frank did ask "official" 
support as opposed to official support unless I misread his intent. :-p

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