Any suggestions, please?

rikona rikona at
Sun Sep 12 20:27:09 UTC 2010

Hello Cybe,

Sunday, September 12, 2010, 10:45:05 AM, Cybe wrote:

CRW> On Sun, 12 Sep 2010 10:37:23 -0700
CRW> rikona <rikona at> wrote:

>> Hello Cybe,

CRW> Hiya, rikona! It's nice to see personal salutations from time to
CRW> time. Thank you.

You're quite welcome. I like that, and set up my mailer to do that
automatically - but - you can get some weird greetings depending on
what's in the from line. :-)

>> Sunday, September 12, 2010, 10:19:43 AM, Cybe wrote:
>> CRW> On Sun, 12 Sep 2010 16:37:38 +0800
>> CRW> Christopher Chan <christopher.chan at> wrote:
>> >> See, this is what a community list is good for. Technical support
>> >> only lists are just extra rules/restrictions asking for trouble.
>> CRW> Absolutely spot on.  If there was only a way to keep the trolls
>> CRW> and snipers at bay and still have that community spirit...
>> There is a separate OT list for the Mandrake/Mandriva folks. It is
>> quite busy has helped to take much of the OT stuff off the main lists.
>> It was quite helpful. It is NOT an 'official' list - this would have
>> to be done here by an individual able to set up such a list.
>> Anyone here ready/able/interested in doing that? [Just a different
>> kind of 'suggestion,' re the subject line. :-) ]
CRW> That has been/is being tried here with the, "sounder," mailing
CRW> list 

Hmmmm.... with a name like 'sounder' I'm not surprised. Something like
'ubuntuOT' would be MUCH more descriptive, easy to remember, and might
work better.

CRW> (please subscribe):

Not yet. Mandriva, which I like, is about to go out of business, and
I'm checking the level and 'friendliness' of the support for another
distro. Looks pretty good in the few days I've been on this list.

CRW> but for some reason it has not caught on. Maybe it is because
CRW> most list members don't know about it.

Probably so, if it's not mentioned [especially as 'sounder'].

CRW> Perhaps we should start marketing the sounder list in normal
CRW> email here in the user's technical-only list.

Good idea - might be suggested in part of several long OT email
discussions. And - might suggest to [??] about setting up a 'ubuntuOT'

CRW> BTW, I am leaving your eddress as a Cc: since you included it as
CRW> a Reply-To: although that is not my normal preference nor list
CRW> protocol. 

Didn't think of that. Thanks for the heads-up. Have to check the
mailer defaults...



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