Help with resolution settings

Larry Shields larryesu at
Sat Sep 11 12:44:53 UTC 2010

  On 09/11/2010 07:36 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
> On 11/09/2010 22:00, Larry Shields wrote:
> [pruned]
>> *I am using the same Nvidia card as you, and have had no problems with
>> it...I use the driver 1.5.8 Nvidia 96.49.17 the default is 1600x900
>> refresh rate 50hz the Rotation is at normal...Display depth 24, the
>> metamodes I have set at 1024x768...I have a 20" HDMI monitor and the
>> screen is very clear on everything being shown...
>> Larry*
> I suspect that it may all have to do with the fact that while you are
> using an LCD (HDMI as you mention) monitor connected via DVI I assume,
> the OP is using a CRT (analog) monitor. Therein lies the difference?
> BC
*I have used the same driver for both a 15' monitor cga and this new one 
that I have for LCD!...It works that is all I have to say about it...


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