/etc/inetd.conf equivalent for ubuntu

Steven Susbauer steven at too1337.com
Fri Sep 10 09:21:21 UTC 2010

Nils Kassube wrote:
> Tapas Mishra wrote:
>> Is inetd.conf not present when you install Ubuntu on your laptop.
> No. IIRC, inetd is used by some services to listen on specific ports.
> However, Ubuntu has a policy of not having any ports open for a default
> install [1]. Therefore inetd isn't installed and there is no config file
> for the program which isn't installed.

Yes and no. inetd can be configured to listen on a port, when it 
receives activity it will launch the appropriate program to handle the 
traffic. This prevents running a bunch of daemons all the time and also 
can support programs that do not support a daemon mode.

Ubuntu does not run it because it is a daemon running as root that most 
people never use and never configure. It does not listen to ports unless 
configured to do so.

To OP: If you want inetd, install it. xinetd and openbsd-inetd are in 
main. More are available in universe.

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