[OT] glass cleaners - was Problem with newer DVD's in ubuntu 10.04 (Video-Player)

Frank mailinglists at lavabit.com
Thu Sep 9 13:45:42 UTC 2010

On Thu, 2010-09-09 at 13:27 +0100, Dave Howorth wrote:

> For many years I used to clean my
> spectacles using tissues, and over time the anti-reflective coating
> always wore away. 

Using paper tower, or even toilet paper and kleenex can also put fine
scratches in a lens.  You won't notice it at first, but after a year or
two, many fine scratches will become evident.  These are wood-pulp and
paper-based products, and are not recommended, even by the
manufacturers. Wood-pulp has an abrasive effect on lenses.

Use micro-fiber tissues; easy to find @ any optician :-)

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