Strange video behaviour

squareyes squareyes at
Thu Sep 9 00:29:43 UTC 2010

On 09/09/10 01:38, Daniel Louw wrote:
> I thought it right to here what this mailing list has to say before 
> running off to BugZilla or something as I am not even sure if it is a bug.
> The problem arises after leaving my PC alone long enough for the 
> screens to go to standby. This is the default setting for Lucid. After 
> a while, the screens go to standby, and on moving my mouse op pressing 
> a key, I get prompted to enter my login password, and then I can use 
> my PC again. Now, sometimes, never predictably, one of the screens 
> would *not* come out of sleep mode after I move my mouse. The blue LED 
> on either screen remains red/orange. Only when changing the 
> resolutions of the screens would it come back on. And it is not a 
> specific monitor. It happens to either one!
> Any thoughts would be awesome!
> Regards
> Daniel 
Hi Daniel,
for the problem of needing to re-enter password, try System . 
preferences .  screensaver, and take the tick out of
"Lock screen when screensaver is active"
hope this helps

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