Ping: "TheZorch"

Nolan Cooper 4030man at
Wed Sep 8 02:10:38 UTC 2010

On 09/07/2010 07:00 PM, Tom H wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 9:52 PM, Nolan Cooper<4030man at>  wrote:
>> I too have shaken my head at some of his responses. But on the flip side I have observed
>> some *right on* comments by Karl.
>> As I mentioned before, just immediately correct the misinformation and let it go.
> I used to correct his wildly incorrect posts but I have given up.
> It's too bad that the u-u moderator(s) is(are) not like the k-u
> moderator or the CentOS moderators...
Yes, I know. I just wish I had to brains to moderate, and could get the job. There would 
be a couple more on the _watch_ list with Karl. :)

On A bad note,  one very knowledgeable person left the list because of Karl.  He was such 
a perfectionist he could not stand Karl's wrong info. If memory serves me, his name was 
Michael Haney and hailed from N. Carolina. Works for a regional ISP. It was sad to see him 
go, but as in all things right there is always someone or two or three, who steps up and 
fills the void.

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