Ping: "TheZorch"

Nolan Cooper 4030man at
Wed Sep 8 01:32:52 UTC 2010

On 09/07/2010 06:05 PM, Christopher Chan wrote:
> On Wednesday, September 08, 2010 08:55 AM, Nolan Cooper wrote:
>> +1 Zorch
>> I have thought many, many times if the ones on this list would talk to or about their own
>> fathers or mothers in the way they do Karl.  NO!
>> I do have empathy for the ones suppling the quality help on this list, as Karl has many
>> wrong answers.
>> My problem is that I cannot make my mind up as to whether Karl has problems because of his
>> advancing age, or truly is a "troll". I suspect it is both.
>> Therefore would it not be the kind thing to do, to just correct the *misinformation* and
>> let it go at that. In other words, no attacks against the individual who makes the wrong
>> statement. In any shape or form?
>> That is what a professional does, is it not, that is 'DoTheRightThing', after all that is
>> what makes one a *professional*.
>> That said, if Karl's problems stem from advancing age, then 40 lashes minus 1 for me for
>> having a _little_ bit of fun in my two prior post. And I mean that Karl.
> I doubt it. He is not senile at all if you ask me. We are helping keep
> his wits and not letting his brain rot to vegetable state. Is there a
> problem when certain ones of us don't feel appreciated for our efforts
> in keeping his mind active?
I can appreciate keeping his mind active, I will probably need that for myself in the not 
to distant future.  :), my problem only stems from the verbal abuse, and that I feel is 
wrong in any situation.

Just my $1.00..inflation you know. :)


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