OT: 10.4 or 10.04

Rashkae ubuntu at tigershaunt.com
Mon Sep 6 16:07:20 UTC 2010

M.R. wrote:

> To me, 10.4 and 10.04 is the same. In case of Ubuntu version numbers, 
> "4" (or "04" if we are to follow the vendor's style) denotes month of 
> April. If anything, those that for reasons best known to themselves
> decided that a month ordinal number should be written with a leading
> zero are probably the first to deserve some criticism. But it hardly
> matters...
> mr

No, it really matters.  Ubuntu people know that the numbers used for 
versions are chosen based on date of release, but that's not in any way 
a convention.  For the rest of the world, the higher the version number, 
the newer the release.

10.4 > 10.1 > 10.04   You see?  If you refer to 10.04 as 10.4, you are 
implying it's a newer release than 10.10

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