OT: 10.4 or 10.04

M.R. makrober at gmail.com
Mon Sep 6 15:27:57 UTC 2010

On 09/06/2010 01:45 PM, Gurus Knugum wrote:
> There is no 10.4 version of Ubuntu. Current version is 10.04 and next
> version will be 10.10. If we skip the zeroes, it will be a bit confusing
> since 10.4 in that case is released before 10.1…
To me, 10.4 and 10.04 is the same. In case of Ubuntu version numbers, 
"4" (or "04" if we are to follow the vendor's style) denotes month of 
April. If anything, those that for reasons best known to themselves
decided that a month ordinal number should be written with a leading
zero are probably the first to deserve some criticism. But it hardly


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