partitioning a RAID 0 drive

Roy Lowrance roy.lowrance at
Mon Sep 6 01:33:52 UTC 2010

I'd like to install Ubuntu on my Windows 7 PC and dual boot.

The PC has a RAID 0 card and I see one device and three subdevices in the
Ubunut "Prepare partitions" dialogue:
   /dev/mapper/isw_dgijegbaff_RAIDVOL1 type=ntfs, size =104MB
   /dev/mapper/isw_dgijegbaff_RAIDVOL2 type=ntfs, size=1987802 MB
   /dev/mapper/isw_ghijegbaff_RAIDVOL3 type=ntfs, size = 12485MB

What I'd like to do is to split the 2 subdevice, the one with almost 2 GB of

I may also need a swap partition.

How should I proceed?

Thanks, Roy
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