Temperamental VNC

Michael Pavling pavling at gmail.com
Sun Sep 5 10:30:25 UTC 2010

On 5 September 2010 02:31, NoOp <glgxg at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> I notice that it's not vino-server or VirtualBox that is eating hte cpu
> cycles, but Xorg. Xorg (when the VM is working OK w/VNC is sucking up to
> 83% CPU (2.4Ghz Intel processor). If I kill VNC on desktop A, Xorg drops
> to about 3.7% on desktop B (with the VM running. Fire VNC back up on
> desktop A to desktop B and Xorg 80+ percent CPU.
> I'll see if I can find time to explore further. But so far, in this
> case, I see Xorg as being the possible culprit with both VirtualBox and
> vino-server behaving quite well. While you are ssh'ed into the machine,
> run top & see if you get the same/similar.

I had noticed Xorg in top before, and it seemed to be taking a lot of
processor, but I didn't think too much of it. I've just had another
try. Spent about 2mins clicking around the desktop and popping up
menus. Launched a terminal and navigated some folders. all the time I
had top running in an ssh session on my desktop.
As soon as I clicked to launch VirtualBox, the VNC session died, and I
noticed for a second that gvfs-fuse-daemon was listed as taking 9999%
processor (yes, four nines! :-)  No particular sign of xorg being a
hog this time though.

Amusing, and curious. Way out of my league now - I'm just going to
have to work around it, but if anyone can identify whether there's a
bug causing this (rather than just poor configuration on my part) then
I would be interested to hear.

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