networking question - switched out harddrives between machines

Linda haniganwork at
Sun Sep 5 02:06:09 UTC 2010

David C. Curtis wrote:
> On Sat, 2010-09-04 at 14:58 -0500, Linda wrote:
>> I have a machine that was acting flakey and a clone used for software 
>> development. The flakey machine keeps hanging on the motherboard 
>> flashboard when I have to shutdown for the kernal updates. I had the 
>> bright idea to switch the hard drives so the flakey machine would be 
>> used for less critical purposes.  When I ran the switch I can ping 
>> across the network, but I can't mount Network File Systems and I can't 
>> ssh. I'm thinking it is because the NIC changed. Does this sound 
>> plausiable? If so how do I go about fixing it?
>>                   Thanks
>>                    Linda
>> '''
> Not sure about ssh, but NFS has editable config files in /etc that can
> be IP address specific, if you're using DHCP to specify IP addresses,
> they can be specific to MAC address hence specific to NIC. Perhaps ssh
> is the same. Check /etc/exports if this is a server or /etc/fstab if a
> client to see if the IPs jive with ifconfig, /etc/interfaces, or however
> you configure your NICs.
> Dave
Have the networking fixed
but now on one of the machines I get
Internal error
failed to initialize HAL!
It is going to be a long weekend. Any suggestion on the newest problem

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