[OT] Does a multi-drive USB external hard disk rack exist?

ms devicerandom at gmail.com
Sat Sep 4 22:42:40 UTC 2010


I am looking for something that should obviously exist, but I cannot 
actually find it (probably because, embarrassingly enough, I don't know 
how to google it correctly).

What I would want is a rack where you put N (with N>1) SATA drives in, 
with a USB2/3 connection, and then, once powered and connected, you get 
one of the following:

- a single big disk, RAID-like
- the individual disk devices, like you connect simultaneously multiple 
hard drives with a single cable (Don't know if it's feasible but this 
would be probably the best solution for me).

Is something of this kind available on the market? If yes, could you 
point me where/what?

thank you,

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