networking question - switched out harddrives between machines

Rashkae ubuntu at
Sat Sep 4 20:25:38 UTC 2010

Linda wrote:
> I have a machine that was acting flakey and a clone used for software 
> development. The flakey machine keeps hanging on the motherboard 
> flashboard when I have to shutdown for the kernal updates. I had the 
> bright idea to switch the hard drives so the flakey machine would be 
> used for less critical purposes.  When I ran the switch I can ping 
> across the network, but I can't mount Network File Systems and I can't 
> ssh. I'm thinking it is because the NIC changed. Does this sound 
> plausiable? If so how do I go about fixing it?
>                   Thanks
>                    Linda
> '''

How is networking configured?  The only thing that should have changed 
with the machine is that your network card is no longer called eth0, 
(and is now probably eth1).  If you have special networking 
configuration for eth0, that is probably no longer working.  You can fix 
it by editing the /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules (it should 
suffice to remove the entries in that file and reboot.)

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