Volume control panel : can the old one still be used in latest Ubuntu releases ?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at gmail.com
Sat Sep 4 17:43:30 UTC 2010

Hi there,

I am still running on Ubuntu 9.04, didn't upgrade back then because my
old BT878 tuner card didn't work anymore in 9.10.  That, plus the
fact that the volume control panal had disappeared ! Instead, one now
has to use the full blown sound setting GUI which is not really as
compact/focused/stripped down as the old, much simpler panel.
Also, the old panel had vertical sliders which I find much more easier
to use. Horizontal sliders quickly give me wrist aches.

Anyway, I am not so fussed about BT card support anymore, since here
in Frog land, we will soon be forced to switch to DVB, the old analog
signal is now shut down for good. I still have it for a year or so
simply out of the good will of my cable TV provider. 

So, with this problem out of the way, the volume control panel is the
only thing that prevents me from switching to the latest Ubuntu release.
I am on 9.04 which will be discontinued next month when 10.10 is
released, so I figured it's time to make a little effort to switch.

So.... I need your help:

is it possible to use, or retro-fit, the old style gnome-volume-control
panel with vertical slider, in the newer Ubuntu releases which
abandonned it ?

Is it simply a matter of installing a package to add it back, or is it
more involved than this ? If anybody knows what's involved, or has done
it before... I welcome any help ! :-D  

Is it a common problme or am I theonly one to prefer the old panel ?



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