Backup name

Steven Susbauer steven at
Fri Sep 3 15:38:08 UTC 2010

Karl Larsen wrote:
>      karl at Lucid:/media$ e2label  ebf426af-fe2b-404a-ab35-402ec8494295  disk-1
> e2label: Is a directory while trying to open
> ebf426af-fe2b-404a-ab35-402ec8494295
> Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.
> karl at Lucid:/media$ ls
> ebf426af-fe2b-404a-ab35-402ec8494295
> karl at Lucid:/media$ rm ebf426af-fe2b-404a-ab35-402ec8494295/
> rm: cannot remove `ebf426af-fe2b-404a-ab35-402ec8494295/': Is a directory
>       Since it is a Directory I will try and make another named drive-1
> or such. And that worked!

Did you read the man page for e2label before randomly typing commands 
into it? The correct usage is:

e2label /dev/hdx newlabel

In your case you may also be able to use 
/dev/disk/by-uuid/ebf426af-fe2b-404a-ab35-402ec8494295 instead of hdx or 

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