feature improvement needed Ubuntu to save attachments from emails or downloads via browser

Tapas Mishra mightydreams at gmail.com
Fri Sep 3 06:32:04 UTC 2010

If I open my gmail and click on Download to save an attachment some
random window pops up.Which is normal.
Now if I have to save the attachment in subdirectory which is deeply
rooted in my naviation tree then in the GUI which asks me to save the
left hand side you can view the hard disks various partitions and on
the right hand side you see the subdirectories.
Suppose you select a directory in right hand window and browse to some
sub directory.
If you are not using mouse but using arrow key and while navigating to
some sub folder some
file which can be a single continuous pdf ,mp3,avi or any thing is
highlighted and you are still scrolling down to bottom to select a sub
you will notice in the top of the Popped up window where you are in
the process of selecting a sub directory to select a location to save
attachment from the mail that was opened in browser the file gets
renamed to what ever single pdf,or mp3 or avi the arrow key is on.
The bad part is you wanted the name of the file as it was there in
attachment and not the name which is highlighted by the arrow key
unless both the files are of same name
and you actually want to replace the old file with a new file.
Have I made my point clear if not let me know I will share a video to
explain what I am saying.


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