8.04 to 10.04 dist upgrade

AV3 arvimide at earthlink.net
Fri Sep 3 03:06:04 UTC 2010

On Sep/2/2010 2:5859 PM, Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
> Hakan Koseoglu wrote:
>> On 02/09/10 18:03, Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
>>> 	I usually just ignore it when I hear someone say they "googled"
>>> something. Occasionally, though, I look at them funny and repeat back
>>> with something like "you searched with Google..."
>> I suppose you don't hoover anything and you never reach for a kleenex
>> when you have a runny nose. Some brands become the nouns&  verbs if they
>> are popular enough.
> 	Nah, my wife does the vacuuming around the house. She doesn't trust me
> to do it good enough... FWIW, I only hear British people using Hoover as
> a verb...
> 	...

My mother, born in Mobile, Alabama, used that word when I was growing up 
in Dallas, Texas. As that brand of sweeper became less popular, the verb 
faded from my consciousness. Using one type of word like another is 
characteristic of English, ex., to knife someone, all liquored up, etc., 
which is to say that English doesn't have fixed parts of speech like Latin.

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\f0\fs20 \cf0 -- \
||Arnold VICTOR, New York City, i. e., <arvimideQ at Wearthlink.net>    ||\
||Arnoldo VIKTORO, Nov-jorkurbo, t. e., <arvimideQ at Wearthlink.net>   ||\
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