8.04 to 10.04 dist upgrade
Dave Woyciesjes
woyciesjes at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 2 20:42:23 UTC 2010
Billie Walsh wrote:
> On 09/02/2010 03:30 PM, Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
>> Colin Law wrote:
>>> On 2 September 2010 16:58, Dave Woyciesjes<woyciesjes at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>>>> Basil Chupin wrote:
>>>> ...
>>>> Which brings up a peeve of mine. I do not agree with "Google" being a
>>>> verb. It's a name, a pronoun. I believe it should be "search using
>>>> Google" or somesuch variant.
>>> You can peeve away as much as you like, but individuals cannot control
>>> the development of languages. A large percentage of the worlds
>>> population (well a significant percentage anyway) (or enough at
>>> least) have decided that google is a verb, so that is what it is.
>> You are very correct, and I don't bother myself worrying about it.
>> I still say that a name for a person that uses twitter should be called
>> a twit. Or would that be someone who follows someone else's twitter?
> That's a Tweety
That would not be fair to the cute little yellow cartoon bird....
--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- AIM - woyciesjes
--- CompTIA A+ Certified IT Tech - http://certification.comptia.org/
--- HDI Certified Support Center Analyst - http://www.ThinkHDI.com/
Registered Linux user number 464583
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From here to there,
Funny things
are everywhere."
--- Dr. Seuss
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