
Parshwa Murdia ubuntu.bkn at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 17:17:54 UTC 2010

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 10:17 PM, Colin Law <clanlaw at googlemail.com> wrote:

I was not really talking about that (though it is a good idea to know
> the cmos settings in case of battery failure).  I was talking about
> any data you have stored on your windows system (photos, documents,
> email and so on).

Sure, in fact I went unexpectedly in the details of electronics linking with
everything. In fact, what I meant was not required but if I elaborate it
would mean that 'I would take the back-up of all the data in the hard-disk,
which is obviously save in the hard-disk having circuits which contains CMOS
and capacitors with charge over them and that charge I need to re paste to a
location which could be used again in case if PC fails (anyhow).'
Parshwa Murdia
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