
Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 2 13:14:08 UTC 2010

On 2 September 2010 13:47, Parshwa Murdia <ubuntu.bkn at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 6:06 PM, Colin Law <clanlaw at googlemail.com> wrote:
>> It is up to you, you can replace the existing system if you want to,
>> or if you have space you can shrink the existing partitions and
>> install Ubuntu as a third boot option.  Make sure you back up
>> everything important first of course.
> I am having 250 GB in all but 150 GB is for Windows which is having many
> useful softwares (right now). So for me, the only possible option would be
> to use the 100 GB space in which I have Fedora 11, replacing that and
> installing Ubuntu would be okay. But if I am replacing that only, in that
> case also, should I take Windows back-up?

You should always have a backup of anything important.  A disk may go
up in smoke at any moment.  In particular when doing things like
installing Ubuntu it is always possible to click the wrong button and
overwrite your windows partition.  I forget exactly what the
installation screen is like but *do not* say Install Side By Side with
existing OS, instead you have to go to an advanced setup where you can
explicitly say which partition you want to re-format and install
Ubuntu on.  If in any doubt then ask for further help when you have
seen exactly what are the options.

Ubuntu will install and run perfectly well in 10Gig by the way, though
you will not have a huge amount of space for saving videos and so on.
The OS itself is less than 5 I think.  So if you just want to try it
you could shrink one of your existing partitions.


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