ext3 to ext4

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 1 02:02:53 UTC 2010

On 08/31/2010 05:29 PM, Wade Smart wrote:
> I asked a similar question a while back but this is a bit different.
> I have a drive with ext3 that was my old /home drive.
> When I moved to 9.04 I went with ext4 and just link to my old home drive.
> My old ext3 drive is becoming unstable so I want to back it up.
> I have a 500gb ata drive (unfortunately not a sata drive) that Im going
> to wipe and put 10.04 on. I want to move my data from this backup drive
> Im going to back up to, to the new 10.04 until I get another hd as a
> backup drive.
> My question is, I know there is some issue between ext3 and 4 and I dont
> want to get into a bind. What would be the best format for moving
> between all this to get to where I want to be?

Why not just use gparted (or dd) to copy the ext3 to the other drive
(given that you have sufficient space)?

Alternately, if you wish you can convert the ext3 to ext4 w/o issues (in
most cases) via:
I've done this on multiple machines without issues.

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