System software sources menu missing...???

Karl Larsen klarsen1 at
Sat Oct 16 18:10:46 UTC 2010

On 10/16/2010 09:48 AM, Larry Shields wrote:
>    On 10/16/2010 10:37 AM, Colin Law wrote:
>> On 16 October 2010 16:23, Larry Shields<larryesu at>   wrote:
>>>    On 10/15/2010 03:08 PM, Jacob Mansfield wrote:
>>>> try System>Preferences>main menu and make sure the check box next to
>>>> it is ticked.
>>>> It can also be reached in synaptic by going to settings>repositories
>>> [...]
>>> That was my problem, but I wonder why they did not have it checked in
>>> the first place...I never have had to check it myself, and if someone
>>> new to this would also never find it, without asking...
>> I guess that it was removed in an attempt to simplify the menus as it
>> is also available via Update Manger, Settings, and Synaptic Package
>> Manager, Settings, which are both logical places to find it.  One
>> could say that having it's own entry in the menus is not necessary.
>> Colin
> *Hi Colin,
> Well I suppose you might be correct, but none the less, it makes it hard
> as I said, for a new person or even an old user as I am to figure it out
> LOL...
> By the way, I have Thunderbird for which I use as my mail client, and I
> have asked this once before, but guess it is either old age or brain
> dead, but when I compose a new message, I used to have all of my email
> addresses show up on the left, but now it is not...Might you or someone
> else know who to have the addresses show up...???
> Thanks for any help on this one also...
> Larry
> *
     Hi Larry I have 19 bins under Inbox that take up all the space to 
the left. So the address book cannot be displayed. Perhaps if I had a 
lot fewer sources of mail there would be room and then the address book 
might be shown.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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