Some questions about the switch to Unity in 11.04

Tom H tomh0665 at
Thu Oct 28 10:47:34 UTC 2010

On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 5:56 AM, Jordon Bedwell <jordon at> wrote:
> On 10/28/2010 12:51 AM, Tom H wrote:
>> AFAIK (again!) mutter's a compositing window manager and is gnome
>> shell's version of metacity. It's based on the clutter graphic library
>> that Intel developed for its netbook os (name forgotten...), hence, I
>> assume, the name.
> Meego and it is what you say it is.  I'm not a fan of it on my netbook
> though, with my netbook being decently spec-ed (truthfully) mutter
> really undermines it's mini-power. I highly doubt it will be the close
> to revolutionary 'future' (as some people claim) because it lacks the
> core power of compiz right now. It seems more suited to run on my
> 1.2GHZ Android phone.

Moblin was the Intel OS and Meego the merger of Moblin and either
Nokia or Motorola's (a telecom at any rate) netbook OS.

Don't you think that the gnome developers will make sure that mutter's
up to the task when gnome 3 is released?

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