Canonical Ubuntu splits from GNOME over design issues

Cristopher Thomas crisnoh at
Thu Oct 28 05:51:30 UTC 2010

On Thu, 2010-10-28 at 01:46 -0400, Doug wrote:
> Ubuntu has put up the most different GUI of the more common Linux distros
> already, now they want to make it even more unusual.  I fail to see how 
> this is
> going to provide "the best experience for their users."  If they want to 
> provide
> the best experience, they need to provide something that looks like MS 
> Windows.
> If they could do that, and return to some of the flexibility that the 
> earlier versions
> Win had--I'm thinking of Win 98 without the BSoD--they might really have 
> something
> that would give the users the best experience.  Just to come up with 
> something that
> looked a little more familiar, I had to do more tweaking to Ubuntu than 
> any other
> Linux distro I have tried, with the exceptions of those that have gone 
> full out with
> KDE 4. Think Kubuntu! Ugh! (KDE 4 can be tamed to look like a regular GUI--
> PCLinuxOs 2010 has done it.)
> I really don't understand how a company that wants to commercialize 
> their distro
> can come up with such weirdness.  I should think that they'd want any 
> secretary
> in the business world to be able to sit down at their system and use it, 
> not have
> to take a class in how to.

familiar != good
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