Virtual Box versions

Jordon Bedwell jordon at
Tue Oct 26 08:39:55 UTC 2010

On 10/26/2010 03:07 AM, Gilles Gravier wrote:
> What Jordon meant was "thank you for providing the answer".

I'm sorry, you are not me and you are not associated with me, so please,
do not insert words for me. That is /not/ what I meant, it will /never/
be what I meant and /could not possibly be interpreted/ as what I meant.

Please consult and
review the section on "Threading" where it simply states:

"Try to ensure that you use an email client which retains this 'hidden'
part of the message. For example, avoid using Outlook Express."

"When replying to messages, use your email client's Reply To List
function, rather than 'Reply' or 'Reply To All'. This is Ctrl + L in
Evolution (Ubuntu's default email client), and Shift + L in Kmail
(Kubuntu's default email client) and in mutt (a popular console email
client). If your email client does not have this function, ask for it to
be added! Mozilla's Thunderbird does not have this function, but if you
read the mailing lists as a newsgroup in Thunderbird, you can simply use
the "Reply" function."

The latter is incorrect, as of late as Mozilla Thunderbird does now,
in-fact have a reply to list function, however previously reply to all
functioned in the same manner.

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