Mount shared folders using samba cifs

Mike McGinn mikemcginn at
Fri Oct 22 19:33:13 UTC 2010

Two things.
The mount point must exist.
The credentials file .hoStore.cred is a file I created.
it is of the format
username=your username
password=your password on the windows system
workgroup=the workgroup you use.


On Friday, October 22, 2010 15:23:11 Diego Eduardo Ahumada wrote:
> El 22/10/10 16:12, Mike McGinn escribió:
> > On Friday, October 22, 2010 15:06:34 Diego Eduardo Ahumada wrote:
> >> El 22/10/10 15:57, Mark escribió:
> >>> On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Diego Eduardo Ahumada
> >>> 
> >>> <eddie.cpp at>   wrote:
> >>>> Hi!
> >>>> 
> >>>> I'm actually using nautilus to navigate shared folder in a Win2003
> >>>> server. When i'm in a shared folder ubuntu mount this folder... buy,
> >>>> where????
> >>>> I need to have a permanent mount point in order to add a unit in wine
> >>>> that point that shared folder.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Can anybody give an advice?
> >>> 
> >>> Can you provide a little more detail?  Your description doesn't tell
> >>> me enough to ask an intelligent question.
> >>> 
> >>> Mark
> >> 
> >> Ok, i will try. I need to mount a shared folder from a Win2003
> >> (\\server\shared_folder\) to known mount point (/mnt/sfolder).
> >> I can navigate to that folder in nautilus, and i can see the folder in
> >> the desktop, but i don't know where is a mount point.
> >> 
> >> My question is: how do i mount that shared folder to a specific
> >> location? (I need this to use it in a wine application).
> >> 
> >> I hope that you understand me this time.
> >> Thanxs for your time.
> >> 
> >> Diego.
> > 
> > smbmount //homestore/ourStuff/mikeBackUp /home/homeStore -o
> > credentials=/home/mike/.hoStore.cred user=mike
> I use:
> smbmount //sico01/Datos\ Clientes/ /home/diego/mnt/prueba/ -o
> credentials=/home/diego/.hoStore.cred user=diego
> Two questions:
> 1) The command answer:
> mount.cifs: permission denied: no match for /home/diego/mnt/prueba found
> in /etc/fstab
> I need to add a line in fstab to run the command?
> 2) I don't have the .hoStore.cred file, That would be a problem? if so,
> where did i get it?
> Thanxs
> Diego
Mike McGinn		FACOCM
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