Problems loading new kernel

Mark Widdicombe mwiddicombe at
Thu Oct 21 06:15:16 UTC 2010

From: ubuntu-users-bounces at [ubuntu-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Basil Chupin [blchupin at]
Sent: 21 October 2010 07:53 AM
On 20/10/2010 21:39, Joep L. Blom wrote:
>>   Moreover, I generally prefer LTS

>Why, may I ask? Are you using Ubuntu in a commercial environment? The
>only difference between a normal release - like Maverick - and LTS -
>like 10.04.1 is the "support" time.

I prefer LTS because I don't like to go through the hassle, risk and expense of upgrading every 6 months.
My computer is a work tool, not a hobby, and the less time I spend on getting it configured
to my liking is more time I can spend on actual revenue producing work.  I can also plan my hardware upgrades
to coincide with new LTS releases, so I have a two year period during which I don't have to worry
about my tools at all.  One of the reasons I migrated from Windows to linux was because those
pricks at MS kept changing things without my having any choice in the matter.  I know you didn't ask me,
 but I thought I'd tell you anyway.


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