State of the 64bit?

Christopher Chan christopher.chan at
Tue Oct 19 12:38:55 UTC 2010

Tom Browder wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 01:21, Christopher Chan
> <christopher.chan at> wrote:
>> Running 64-bit mode has nothing to do with supported file size. File
>> size/file system size has been separate from running code/mode bitness
>> for a long time.
> True, but I believe, at least at one time on Linux distros, the user
> had to do something to get that support turned on.

Nope, user (as in desktop user) had nothinh to do but system 
admin/programmer did but that still had nothing to do with whether the 
kernel was in 32-bit mode or not because large file support came before 
AMD unveiled the Hammer and most people were happily using large file 
support already by the time AMD released the Hammer.

Large file support had to be enabled in the kernel and then programs 
wanting large file support had to explicitly have it turned on during 
compilation. Again, nothing to do with the kernel being 32-bit or 
64-bit. Been there, done that.

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