how to change grub splash screen on lucid 64 bit

Thierry de Coulon tcoulon at
Sun Oct 17 11:13:12 UTC 2010

On Sunday 17 October 2010, Hakan Koseoglu wrote:
> On 16 October 2010 04:18, Tapas Mishra <mightydreams at>
> wrote:> On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 1:11 AM, ms <devicerandom at>
> wrote:
> >> By looking on Google for the documentation.
> >
> > IF an $@#@#@ like you would have searched you would not have given me
> > lecture like this I clearly  mentioned it is 64 bit are you blind or
> > illiterate.
> Google for ubuntu grub splash screen, click on the first result, click
> on the grub section on the right hand side, click on the Grub How to
> link and look at the boot splash images section.  Took less than 15
> secs here.
> There, wasn't hard, was it? Colin's absolutely right on this one.
> And what's 64 bit got to do with anything here? At least you could
> have come back with something intelligent like "but I don't know how
> to type and read!!".  Oh, wait...
> --
> Hakan (m1fcj) -


I followed these instructions and got to a page that expains how to do this 
for 8.4 and 7.10. I'm not that familiar with Ubuntu's versions names, but I 
read "These directions do not apply to clean installs of Karmic or later. 
Karmic onward uses Grub2 unless you upgraded from a previous version of 
Ubuntu and have not manually upgraded to Grub2." so it does not seem to apply 
to "Lucid".

And while I agree that one can (and should) search a while before asking for 
help, I don't think that "$@#@#@" is very nice (but of course one can 
substitute any content...)

Maybe a more civilized and productive way of answering is "Google is your 
friend" (sorry, I'm a teacher :)


"We live at a time when emotions and feelings count more than truth, an there 
is a vast ignorance of science" James Lovelock

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