Migrating from WinXP Pro to Ubuntu 10.10

Ted Hilts ehilts at mcsnet.ca
Sat Oct 16 17:28:05 UTC 2010

Robert Holtzman wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 10:26:38PM -0500, Jordon Bedwell wrote:
>            ..........snip..........
>> We could even go into aptitude and how it's a console UI too. Aptitude
>> is no longer provided in Ubuntu by default because it made it so there
>> were too many redundant package mangers and it can end up getting
>> confusing if you're new to Linux.
> Oh, goody. Another step toward M$. When will they integrate AOL? 
When migrating from MS Windows to Ubuntu it might be a good idea to 
create a "dual boot" using GRUB.  If you have a recent DVD for Ubuntu 
shut down your computer and let it boot up the Ubuntu DVD.  The DVD will 
have all the necesary tools and will determine that you have MS Windows 
at which time you will be allowed to make changes to your partitions to 
make suitable space available. Since sometimes things go wrong please 
make a full backup of your MS Windows before doing this. Anyway, do this 
backup anyway even if you don't want a dual boot system.  Things can go 
wrong when the instructions are too brief and you can easily 
misunderstand things (words tend to shift in their meaning depending 
upon the person). 

Ubuntu has a fairly good magazine.  Also, you can download what ever 
version of Ubuntu as an ISO file (of course you need a DVD upon which to 
burn the ISO).  To be ultra save make 2 DVDs and use "diff" to make sure 
you don't have a faulty burn.

Have a nice day. 
Ted Hilts

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