use of fschk

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Thu Oct 14 12:01:40 UTC 2010

On 14/10/2010 21:48, Joep L. Blom wrote:
> I, have- I hope - a rather simple question.
> My HD (1 year old: ATA SAMSUNG HD502HI).
> Since several weeks I get kernel errors related to this disk like:
> ______________________________________________
> ata1.00: error: { UNC } ...:  51 Time(s)
>       end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector ...:  6 Time(s)
>       sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Add. Sense: Unrecovered read error - auto
> reallocat ...:  6 Time(s)
> sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Sense Key : Medium Error [current] [descr ...:  6 time(s)
> _______________________________________________
> As this disk is the main disk with / and /home etc I cannot unmount it
> to perform an fsck when running th system. I assume a live-CD  (or
> USB-stick) would do the trick But does anybody if there is an easier
> method as it is such a hassle, and moreover is the best way to do it?
> Thanks in advance,
Go to init 1 (CTRL-ALT-F3 then do init1) then

mount -o remount,ro /dev/sd<X>

where the <x> is where the system is installed and perform the fsck (eg, 
e2fsck /dev/sdX).

After the check is finished,

mount -o remount, rw /dev/sd<X>

then reboot.

[NOTE: "-o" is not "-zero" but the letter "o".]


There comes a time in the affairs of a man when he has to take the bull by the tail and face the situation.
                          W C Fields

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