Help upgrading to 10.10

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Thu Oct 14 09:15:28 UTC 2010

On 14/10/2010 19:54, Tom H wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 4:37 AM, Marius Gedminas<marius at>  wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 11:22:12PM -0400, Tom H wrote:
>>> . Boot into recovery mode and choose netroot
>>> . Make sure that update-manager-core is installed
>>> . Make sure that you have "prompt=normal" in
>>> "/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades"
>>> . Run "do-release-upgrade --mode desktop" (I'm assuming that you are
>>> upgrading a desktop and not a server install)
>> What does --mode desktop do, exactly?
>> I upgraded my netbook from 10.04 to 10.10 using simply sudo
>> do-release-upgrade, without booting into recovery mode, and without
>> --mode desktop.  It seems to work fine.
> I've answered the "--mode..." issue in reply to Jordon.
> Just because you like to live dangerously doesn't mean that I have to
> advise anyone to do so. I prefer to do important upgrades in
> single-user mode, especially if X and the DE are being upgraded.

You know, all this is getting hairier and hairier.

Why can't there be a STABLE or at least a well publicised way of doing 
such things?

I am not going over some of the responses to questions about how to 
upgrade to 10.10 posted here over the past week.

But, frankly, to a new comer (a 'newbie') the responses are simply 
mind-boggling :'( .


There comes a time in the affairs of a man when he has to take the bull by the tail and face the situation.
                          W C Fields

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