video problem

Brian Hazelton bdh_2003 at
Tue Oct 12 05:47:47 UTC 2010

i did a vmstat 1 and i did get some numbers around 60 when i opened or
closed a prog, other than that nothing outragous, i was able to play
chromium without the glitch.
parole plays movies without the glitch as well, i am thinking it is just
vlc that is screwing things up.

On Tue, 2010-10-12 at 13:29 +0800, Christopher Chan wrote:
> On Tuesday, October 12, 2010 01:15 PM, Brian Hazelton wrote:
> > flash is a little more glitchy, but my graphics card(integrated) is a
> > pos so i dont expect flash to play well.
> >
> 2006...I suppose Intel chipsets from time do not help with video 
> decoding...but your laptop should be able to play less strenuous 
> encodings like mpeg. How about also trying something like Chromium (the 
> game) and see whether you get that quarter second pause.
> It would be nice to also run 'vmstat 1' in a terminal and see whether 
> the numbers will correlate to the pauses or not. If the last number (wa 
> column) shoots from 0 to some high number, then we can also try using 
> atop to see if we can find a culprit that always shows up with you get 
> the pause.

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