flash videos with firefox 4 beta and lucid do not respond to mouse clicks

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Sat Oct 9 09:34:12 UTC 2010

On 9 October 2010 08:29, Basil Chupin <blchupin at iinet.net.au> wrote:
> You're not really a member of this planet, or even perhaps this solar
> system, *ARE* you? Which part of the solar system do you come from?

Personal insults aren't helpful here.

> "As per the instructions given on
> http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/07/install-firefox-4-0-beta-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/....."
> - so why don't you go *there* and ask your question *there*, for chrissake?!

I find most blog writers who craft a how-to are doing it for the
traffic, they /generally/ aren't technically skilled to be able to
answer technical questions when "their" how-to doesn't work.


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