about new release which will be on 10th Oct

Pastor JW pastor_jw at the-inner-circle.org
Thu Oct 7 17:26:15 UTC 2010

On Wednesday, October 06, 2010 8:53:30 am Jordon Bedwell wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-10-06 at 17:43 +0200, Amedee Van Gasse (ub) wrote:
> > #rolleyes
> I had trouble finding that channel, which IRC server?
> > Don't tell me that I, a Dutch speaker, have to teach English to a native
> > English speaker? The phrase "be my guest" is an idiom.
> Who says 'we' are native English speakers?  Just to inform you and give
> you a little history, if he lives in America, he has no native language
> because America does not have a native language.

That would depend on which country in America you are talking about.  At least 
one American country has as its official language, Dutch!  

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276
http://the-inner-circle.org  _Registered Kubuntu User: #27403

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