sending difficult words from news articles to txt files

Alan Pope alan at
Tue Oct 5 08:46:57 UTC 2010

On 5 October 2010 09:00, Tapas Mishra <mightydreams at> wrote:
> Ok here is some thing which I always wanted to know.
> I was reading an article here
> I found some difficult words which I usually have a habit of noting
> down in a file with vi or gedit.
> It is very painful to do so.Is there some shortcut available so that I
> just select the word from article and
> via right click or some key combination I send it (append it ) to the
> file where I store all my difficult words.
> I also want to save the link if possible.

Personally I'd just have the 'difficult words' document open on the
screen and the browser. Then just double click the word you want to
keep which will copy it to the clipboard, then move the mouse over the
note/document and middle click the mouse to paste. Go back to the
browser, double click the url and then back to the document and middle
click again to paste.

I'd think you'd get quite quick at that after a while.


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